Nicholas MartininBetter ProgrammingApparently You Can Use Route53 as a Blazingly Fast DatabaseExploring the pros and cons, and how it might be possibleMar 30, 20214Mar 30, 20214
Nicholas MartininGeek CultureIf Your Database Is Sleeping, It Might Be a Clue That You’ve Been Hacked, or About to Be…A cautionary tale about inheriting old code, the importance of keeping it up-to-date, and not leaving yourself vulnerable to SQL injectionMar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021
Nicholas MartinJust to jump on the "it's not React's fault" bandwagon...Roadblock #1 - Going from a .NET WPF application to a React-based app is a pretty steep learning curve. I've been in the same situation as…Mar 12, 2021Mar 12, 2021
Nicholas MartinJust to jump on the "it's not React's fault" bandwagon...Roadblock #1 - Going from a .NET WPF application to a React-based app is a pretty steep learning curve. I've been in the same situation as…Mar 12, 2021Mar 12, 2021
Nicholas MartinHow Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 has boosted my mental health while working from homeLook out that window and what do you see? A game that is both visually stunning and mentally upliftingAug 19, 2020Aug 19, 2020
Nicholas MartininBetter ProgrammingOptimizing VS Code Dev Containers on WindowsImproving disk performance in your dev container environment with named volumesJul 1, 2020Jul 1, 2020
Nicholas MartininBetter ProgrammingUse Reference Fields to Manually Order Content With Contentful and GatsbyOrder entries the easy wayMay 22, 2020May 22, 2020
Nicholas MartininAcross the StackDeploying a Gatsby website to AWS using CircleCI and PulumiOptimising the build and deploy process to be just as fast as Gatsby CloudMay 3, 2020May 3, 2020
Nicholas MartininBetter ProgrammingWhy I Chose Gatsby Over Next.jsServer-side rendering vs. static site generatorsApr 30, 20205Apr 30, 20205
Nicholas MartinTaking advantage of the government furlough scheme the right wayAs someone who has been put on furlough, here are my thoughts on how companies should approach itApr 8, 2020Apr 8, 2020